For Ever - A Seeing Through The Storm to Guide You Home
So our heart is a place of feeling and emotions. Can we see to guide others or even have enough foresight to guide our own heart home? I think our being one with God is our only hope. Let’s explore this theory and see its practical implications on our faith.
So a people with little faith saw only one or two miracles. Was this an indication of the level of belief or the shame that was bestowed upon those who sort Jesus as they came to see and not believe? Seeing is not the only thing God wanted. He wanted us to take what was said and place our ultimate and unending love into action. This was God’s plan from the begining till now and for ever.
Our heart is not a funnel or a sieve, it’s an organ with many aspects, much as the sound of our voice is unique to the listener, so they will be able to see and believe our own heart has a unique sound that it emits. This resonates with God’s heart and sound in tune when we love our fellow neighbours and see his heart expressed through grace and peace.
It’s an expression of love to say, I love you. It’s also a hope that endures to say, what can I do for you? So who is your hope placed in? Who is your faith to see the impossible going to be place within? Yourself or God? See we are vessels of compassion and with whom we will see God’s glory displayed in and through. Then we will see him grow our faith to an extent our heart is growing fruit. Let’s explore.
Our very nature is expressed through faith. See our heart is that our soul, mind and emotions are made manifest through love. If we don’t express our heart to others in it we will lie about who we are. Our very heart is that God will use our lives and speak hope to others. This will ultimately end in this, an optional faith. That’s right, optional faith. Let me explain.
An option arises out of choice. Free will is only free with will being subjected to another. That subject is our choice to serve another in love and grace is to give without even expecting in return. The same amount can be said about faith. If we express our joy in loving God we will be overwhelmed with the choice to serve him through love.
Our lives are made an instrument when we allow God to play the NOTE of love. I highlighted note due to it’s importance. That’s the very tune I want to express, that if there be a person of infinite value such as Christ giving his life to us for our sinful self to be renewed in love, then we have be made an instrument to do the same in love.
Restoring is one thing, making new is another. Our heart is over joy with God’s love that in this expression of fruit bearing love we are ready to be eaten in the hope to bring new life to others. It’s in the faith and hope we live, that our lives be manifest glory to God and the fruit of our lives be for ever known to him as saved.
That’s right our hearts be safe in Him, by faith in Christ that our love for each other and for God allows our heart to sing and bring glory to Him. It’s in this place of surrender and glory to God we love.
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
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