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Rise, Awake, He is Coming Soon

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Not all believers hold this aspect of faith, though He is coming back to establish a place of worship and prayer on Earth as it is in Heaven. So what are we, the body, to do in the mean time? What are we to say to those around us in hope for love to make it’s home in our fellowship? We have an important task to undertake. It’s called love the lost. 

Each person can see and be seen in life. Each person can use their gifts and abilities to bless and curse each other. We get to choose. Yet so often we fall into the trap of going through the motions that we forget to bless and reject the curse. Remember when Jesus cursed the fig tree and it died for not bearing fruit? (Mark 11:12-25) This act of being blessed isn’t just a nice word, rather it’s the very act of love needed to bring about the promise of God in this body we have called Christ’s body here on earth.

Each person uses a portion of love God intended to give and allows another the right to represent God’s heart in another way. So manifesting the love of the Father to each other is worship and praise to Him who gave us the full expression of love when He rose again to glory. See our hope is found in Him who made the world and we are thus made to glorify Him. 

Over the time He was present with the disciples the Lord made clear we need each other. The Lord said to Peter, “cast out your nets” (Luke 5). As they followed His instructions there was a large catch of fish that was breaking the nets. So much so that they called to others to help carry the weight off fish. Even in the weight was glory.

There was weight of being representative for Him in the middle of bringing God’s word. See Jesus could make anyone the carrier of his word to the nation of Israel. Rather he choose fishermen of Galilee to carry this glory. Why is it that there were only men and woman who knew the glory would be given to them were fishermen? Because there were people in the bible who only spoke what they thought made sense. Where as God gave Peter a view of Himself that only He knew would cause change. Peter saw Jesus make him a fisherman of men. God gave Peter a vision for the lost to come home to Him through Peter. This changed him to be a person of influence for Kingdom reason and Kingdom vision changed Peter into a visionary. This would ultimately cause a change in others too. 

Peter went up to the roof to pray and fell into a trance, hungry he wanted something to eat. The Lord showed him a blanket full of all kinds of animals. “Kill and eat,” came a voice (Acts 10:13). “Surely not”, Peter said “for I have never eaten anything impure or unclean before.” God said to Peter, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Then after three times of this, God removed the sheet and Peter was awoken to a the Spirit saying, “I have sent three men down stairs, go with them.” Only then do we see the voice of God speaking to the gentiles as sons of God. Peter went to Cornelius’ house and shared of God’s son. The whole house became new.

He saw the power of God convert these gentile believers into new people. He knew that God would make the lost found and the sin of many absolved through His cross. Though who would have seen the vast effect of God’s harvest come to know salvation through fishermen who knew their God well. Sending out the lost amongst the world is not for the faint hearted and yet God made it clear, “you will be like sheep among wolves” (Matthew 10:16) “yet I have overcome this world” (John 16:33). 

Taking heart involves love for those who are lost. Each person carries a part of God’s love for the poor, widow, orphan, lost. Each one of the true children of God’s home knows there is true worship and false. True is to take care of those lost in sin and redeem them for Him to save. The lost are not a burden to us who believe. Rather they are full of food to the hungry and thirsty of righteousness of God. This manifestation of glory is evident in the new born believer. Only waiting is not an option. He is coming soon and we must, like Peter, get up, kill and eat. 


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