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Way Maker - Art of Letting Go and Allowing God to Secure your Life in Him

Words and fear have links that lead to going down the wrong path too easily. Where as we know that God can lead us into circumstances that prosper us and not harm our soul if we trust Him. This article is focusing on Him and our response to His way to gain fruitful interactions with others. Let’s explore this topic.

First, I want to explore the topic of grace. Grace can take many forms. It has my hand, it takes my hand, I hold on to the grace of Him who makes a way. See I look for God’s grace and yet he extends it to me. I search for grace and yet it looks for my love. I open up myself to it yet I search only in Him I seek. Yet grace doesn’t over extend itself to me. I need to accept it and I have trouble if I don’t. So I conclude this paragraph saying I am not alone in this struggle to serve others. I seek Him to unveil my grace to others.

Second, the topic of grace enables us to serve others in a way that give people a choice on how they respond. This is a place of free choice. I look for this every time I speak. I don’t expect there to be a response rather an invitation to serve another in this. The joy of being one with them is that their choice is never to allow another debt. There would be only a choice to allow Gods heart to prosper you. Allow prosperty of soul and peace of heart is God’s economy. 

Third, I look to Him who leaves my heart open to save me from Hell. I don’t know the words to speak, so I rely on Him who saves me to follow through with all peace. So don’t wait for answers to serve you. Rather wait for grace to give you a place of reassurance and comfort in times of want. I don’t let my guard down to serve myself. Rather I leave my shield up and seek Him.

Forth, there are people who look for opportunities to criticise you in the market place as in the cinema. So I don’t have to defend my position. Rather I seek God’s love to extend my boundaries over the pain of rejection. 

Fifth, there are only words of love in me to share. So I seek Him to extend my perception of love to those I despise and reject out of fear. I look to accept all who I see as God’s people in Him. The key is to let God love through you, to those in display of love. So my proximity to people is the very heart of God to allow you to give others freedom to choose love over any other emotional reaction. So love leaves a choice to serve another in hope that they would gain salvation too. This leaves us the ability to grow and them the chance to accept Christ. So we don’t always see our love affect others positively. Rather we too must be patient to display and release joy to accept our part maybe small as a seed to become a positive display of Christ to them. So with love at the freedom to cause grace and the joy to accept salvation one needs to believe me and receive Christ in this, that God so loved me and gave His son to me that I would live for His love.

Lastly I want to display a point of reconciliation with our maker. A place of joy created in Him. Now what would satisfy more than to do what He wants us to achieve in life? What is our ultimate cause to be acting out? Would you even want to accept anything less than achieving bliss of last minute joy of releasing Him to serve others in that our life be a witness to Him? No one would sow and expect to receive a piece of paper only in return. All other matter of love lead our hearts back to this, that we are here to display and direct other to glorify God. 


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