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This is a piece from my journal that I want to share. Hope you enjoy and it encourages and brings light. Peace.

"The words I speak are just that words, unless mixed with faith then one can come to life. See our faith means something. There is hope in sharing our faith. This is done by lifting up and adoring one person at a time. Each time we see something new about people. We see their heart and soul. Praying for people then gives us more insight and allows us to serve. This is the process of fishing for people.

See giving our lives for our friends is just this, love. And knowing the processes is not helpful if it’s not followed. See we dig to plant seed and then it needs to be acted upon to bear fruit. Just as a seed in soil need watering so do the seed in ones life. This is the cause of encouragement and need not explanation or describing. 

By faith one can see the world transformed through grace. This process is the act of God’s love for us. This love can not bring change we want if it’s left hypothetical. It needs wheels on the road and gears engaged. These are the processes of one letting go and allowing God to enter the scene. 

The words of God in this season of your life is trust. This trust is not not shame you or bring doubt in your life rather freedom to serve. So it’s easy you think. Rather it’s more difficult than you think. From the beginning you saw the need for others to share the journey with and this is true. Yet the peace of God transforms the heart into His dwelling place. It allows the Holy Spirit to share the glory of God with those who please the Spirit. 

So there is hope for every man and woman to share the gospel, not only in this time of disillusionment, but also in the process grow into people who seek after God. So who can share the gospel? Anyone you say. Yes. Well done. See it’s caring for the poor and shielding the weak and caring for the lame and giving hope for the lost and helping who needs you Lord. Is it not? You are not fair to question this. See it’s freedom to serve and give ones life that we are to share the gospel of truth in this way. 

The hope and dreams of so many are caught up in the gospel. This is your job to dispel the fear and bring faithful service of these people into the place of regret and doubt filled service that has not value in the kingdom. Without the work of the Spirit this work is of nil worth. 

Help me to share my faith you say. Yet how can I if you won’t open your hand. See son there is freedom in the air. There is hope in the air when you open your heart and sing. This is what you are called to do, love. The power to serve gives you hope for the future and allows you to be apart of the great commission. Which is so important I gave my only son to share with you this hope, love. 

Now let it in by saying I want to become love. I want to serve and not seek any return from you. See it’s freedom to be apart of the gospel that attracts people to me. See its grace to serve and give your life that allows other to see you are mine. This is called love and you know this which is freedom in your wings. 

How can I explain it? Its like the formation of grapes on a vine. There is need for soil and water. The harvest is dependant of good soil. The soil will grow into the biggest asset you have. You’re right this is the heart. Now who would value a thorny soil? Or give you money to grow weeds? No one, you’re right. So what is the call to eradicate fear or distrust from your life and bring a worthy offering of grace into the storehouse? This is called faith. 

The works of the spirit are this, love, peace and joy. Righteousness is the fruit of the spirit that can be attributed to love you are right. This is works of the spirit, love, peace and joy. And from this is found love in its fullness. Cradle to grave we are found in love. Without which we would be found dead. This process is called life. I will show you how this works. 

Take water and apply it to soil. This is the other element that take effort and time. With all we have our heart long for grace after grace. This is the process of watering the soil. It helps to break down the clumps of fear and distrust in our life and bear us the soil for bringing hope to the nations. Through giving the water to soil we have allowed the growth of plants. Let’s look at the plants now. 

If a plant was to join the soil and bear fruit there needs to be one element, you’re right, sun. ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen.’ Hebrews 11:1 this is like seed in the soil, one has to trust the work of the Spirit to bear up and sprout this seed into existence. I haven’t spoken of this before because you weren’t ready. This takes maturity to experience the grace to plant and share your faith. We call this love in action. 

So who calls you? Who commissions this work of God? All are called and few are chosen. Paul wrote to the Hebrews for this reason he knew the elect were chosen to display the glory of God and chosen to call others into faith. The work of the Spirit is to illuminate the truth in ones life. Only this can be given by God and worked in the secret of ones life before Him. That is why we are administers of faith and not doers of the gospel."

Photo by Engin Akyurt on Unsplash


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